Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Project Based Learning and Technology: What a Perfect Match

Growing up in a family education was one thing that I always cherished. I knew that in order to be successful in life, I must receive an education. Growing up in late 20th century and transitioning into the 21st century I witnessed the evolution of technology and the effects it has had in the classroom. Project based learning is not something that is brand new to education, instead, it is the technology that is changing. In this blog post I will give you my scholastic journey and my personal opinion on project based learning and technology.

My public school journey began when I was in the 3rd grade attending Spencer Elementary School. I remember my teacher was using technology to help us learn within the classroom. My teacher used everything from VHS, music and computers. What I failed to realize, back then, I was still learning even though I was playing, watching TV and listing to music. When I watched the YouTube video(s) on Mr. Capps and how he incorporated project based learning with world events made me think about my 6th grade history teacher at Clark Magnet School. She incorporated project based learning every day in class. We discussed everything from the war in Iraq to even the stock market. When I entered high school I realized that my school was focused more on traditional learning verses project based learning. The teachers that taught me used the dry-erase board and worksheets more than new technology. My 12th grade math teacher was the only person who I knew that incorporated the smart board into teaching his classes. However, what I failed to realize was that in 2009, the year I graduated, technology was on the verge of changing in classroom settings.

Since, I have decided to take this journey into becoming a teacher, I have noticed that teachers use smart board, power points and educational gaming to teach students. I am amazed at how quickly technology has changed in the past five years. Teachers no longer stand in front of a class with a dry erase marker and an eraser. Instead, they have a computer and smart board where students can interact with the teacher and their classmates. When I watched Mr. Capps’ videos and listened to how he and other fellow teachers use the new technology that Baldwin County has provided, made me realize that Mobile County is lagging behind in technology. Mobile County, is a larger school district but what I want fellow up and coming teachers to realize is that if you are going to teach in Mobile County; realize that it will take this school system sometime before every student will be able to take home laptops and eliminate books. However, this should not stop anyone from doing project based learning. At the end of the day, MCPSS is making strides toward keeping up with the modern educational technology.

Since, watching Mr. Capps YouTube videos, I agree with his approach of teaching students. I believe that students will retain information better when they are excited about learning. Students should enjoy learning. Going to school should never feel like a jail sentence. Instead, teachers should be creative and realize that teaching does not end at three o’clock. Mr. Capps mentioned that he would sometimes stay at the school until 8 o’clock at night. We should all strive to be that type of teacher. He also mentioned that teachers should not teach technology but just use it. Technology is not going away! Also, students are in the age of technology. We, as teachers, need to grab our student’s attention with what they like to use the most: technology. There are many questions that I wonder about. Will this ideal of project based learning help increase ACT/SAT scores? Will PBL help students with Alabama Course Career Standards and increase graduation rates?

In conclusion, technology will continue to get better as the years continue. I personally can say PBL has helped me understand major topics and allowed me to enjoy school. Luckily, with the use of technology, PBL will become even more effective with students. Project based learning has always been a great teaching method that I know I will use when I become a teacher.


  1. T'Kenyan,

    What a lovely post! It is always great to get a glimpse at what others have experienced in their lives and how those experiences shaped who they are today.

    I really enjoy project based learning. I have implemented it in the classroom several times. You posed some interesting questions. I am not sure if this style of learning will help raise test scores; however, I am sure that it raises the student's knowledge of the material they are covering. So that has to filter over into tests? Right? Who knows. It is always difficult to know what a student will comprehend and retain. One thing is for certain -- it will not hinder their scores!

    Great Job!

  2. Thank you Gina I always believe that a good way of becoming a good teacher is to learn from your past. I believe that PBL can help raise students scores in class but I can not see it can raise their standardized testing scores.

  3. Hey Gina,

    Nice reflection. I too think that the Mobile County Public School System is lagging behind with their technology. It makes me a little green to see what is provided in Baldwin County. Still, I agree, that the responsibility is ours to take what we've got and to use it and make the best of it. If we recognize that PBL is the most effective means of educating our students so that the material becomes their own, they are engaged with it, and creating new things to showcase or prove their opinions and learning, etc. then we need to make that happen, even without the class sets of apple laptops. That would be nice, and I really hope that in the not too distant future that can be a reality so that our projects can be even better! Still, presently, we need to use what we have to make that environment come alive in our classrooms. We can do it! :)

  4. If Mobile fails to incorporate PBL and technology into its schools there will be a significant exodus of many of the best students to Baldwin County.

    What then?

    Thoughtful. Interesting. Well done.

  5. The smart boards and computer labs are the only two things technology wise that MCPSS has to offer for PBL .
