Wednesday, April 30, 2014

C4T Periment

 Teacher growling the computer

For the blog I chose John Spencer, edrethink, John gives very in-depth post that cause his bloggers to think about the message.

For his first post John talked about how important are theories. Theories are the lay out for any idea. John believes that everyone should appreciate the theories. You would want any person who is great at their jobs to understand the fundamental concepts and theories behind those facts of information.

Comment #1

I agree that theory is important. Especially as a biology major, some of our scientific studies are based on theories. I believe research is important because it teaches students that you can not always find a direct answer to everything. Sometimes hard work and research must go into finding an answer.

John Spencer wrote a brief blog post on writing. He was so deep into his characters until he allowed the plot to develop on his characters terms. He was torn between using the plot he already came up with or allowing his creative flow to take control and develop a new story line.

Comment #2

I strongly believe that everyone should get lost within their writing. I believe writing as a therapy session for me regardless of the topic. The only downside of getting lost into your imagination, you must realize it it not "real". I would encourage anyone to get lost in their writing.

John Spencer talked about the owner of the Clippers and his racist comments and the little effort the players to only do a silent protest. He also talked about how people are going around and protest the Discovery Ed. Network because of the show Bad Teacher. He also talked about how people targeted him and questioned his actions. John’s overall message was to say to never blame the little person because of other people choices.

Choice #3

You should never blame the players for the owner’s mistakes. You should never blame a teacher for the State educational requirements. You should never protest an entire network, especially one that is important in education, for just one People need to think before they say things.


Winnie the Pooh thinking

Thought out this semester I have come across my useful resources. Many of those resources I have save and it is now a part of my PLN (Personal Learning Network). Here is a list of learning networks and social sites I have added to my PLN.

• Twitter

• Google Apps

• I Tunes U

• Blogger

• Symbaloo

• Stoodle

• Remind 101

I believe with some of these networking tools I will develop into a better teacher. Technology in the classroom is one of the important key things that is needed in the classroom. My PDP (Personal Development Plan) is to become a teacher that incorporates Project Based Learning more than traditional teaching. I will incorporate more videos and I will come up various ways to use the smart board. I will first ask my students open-ended questions first. It is my goal as a teacher to allow my students to think critically. I will not try to tell the students how to think or what to think. I will allow my students to work in groups more and use independent learning. When it comes to study session for my class I will create an account with stoodle. I will also use the technology to communicate with my students. I will use technology such as Skype and Google Hangout and Facebook page for my class so my students and parents can have various ways to reach me outside the classroom. I will also use technology to communicate with my parents. I will use remind 101 that is a text messaging system so that parents will be kept up to date all the time. As time counties on I hope to grow my PLN and PDP.

C4T Semester

Steve Anderson

This week my teacher , Steve Anderson present a new type of technology device in which you can have fun with and also use in the classroom. Sphero is a new up and coming device that you can connect and play virtual games on your smartphone. It plays virtual games but you can also use Sphero in the science classrooms.

Comment #1

I would like to buy this product. The Sphero looks like a great device to use. I can honestly say that I would consider using the Sphero for Education. I believe students would be engage into the product just like I would. I wonder how much a pack would cost for a classroom so that way I can present this to the chair of my schools science department.

Steve did a blog post about what was on his mind for the week. Steve went on to talk about various topics dealing with coding. He went on to say that coding is a great thing to start teaching in the classroom. He also listed apps that could help a teacher with teaching coding in the classroom. Steve also listed some apps that can be found on Apple and Android apps.
Comment #2

Hey Steve, I will defiantly look into the teacher apps. Those apps, I my opinion, will benefit me more in the classroom. This week I was really concerned about how to start using project based learning into my local school system.

Steve’s most recent post dealt with celebrating YouTube’s birthday. Instead of giving the history of YouTube he listed ways that you can edit, create shortcuts in order to fully enjoy your videos without any interruptions.
Comment #3

Hey Steve, I really did enjoy your blog post. These are some really great tips to use for YouTube. I will try those things out the next time I have to upload a video.

C4T Rotating

What kind of blogger are you?

This week I was asked to read Lisa Thumann’s blog post. Her blog post was concerned about how she could attract more people to actually attend the conferences she host. Her biggest problem is that people RSVP to attend and she prepares for all of the people to attend and in the end, they do not attend. She was thinking that maybe she should make the registration fee nonrefundable. Towards the end of the blog she asks for the blogger’s opinion.

Comment #1

Hello Lisa, my name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend the University of South Alabama and I am a student in EDM 510. You have brought up a good topic. I believe in order to get people to attend you should tell them that the registration fee is nonrefundable. If you want to make sure that everyone attends you should send out emails or make a radio commercial encouraging people to come and register on the day of the event. I believe the more publicizing you do the better the turn out.

This week blog post I was ask to read William Chamberlain’s blog. He was asking “Why is history so important?” “Why do students have to learn history?” He went to say how he searched the internet for the answer but could not come up with a clear answer. He then turned to the bloggers for the answer.

Comment #2

In order to understand the entire story of a subject or situation, we first must understand the history. History explains why some things are set up a particular way. In my opinion, history is important in every subject. In order for us to appreciate the present we first must understand the past.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Suggested Assigment

Jeanell Calhoun


The assignment that I decided to create for my field of science was to conduct an interview with a Mobile Country science teacher. Throughout the semester we were introduced to the Baldwin Country School System and how they incorporated project based learning in the classroom. The interview could be done either as a video recorder or as a voice recorder and must be uploaded to the blog and also to your YouTube page.

Here is my audio recording I had some difficulty with doing the recording. However at the end of the day I have it done. This is my first time doing a recorded interview.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Book Review for EDM 510

Here is my YouTube Video for the Book Teaching Digital Natives. The video gave me a hard time but I finally have it published. Hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Final C4K

New Zealand Children playing

Comment #1

The final C4Ks covered various topics. The first blog I read was from a student named Leatham. Leatham created a Mihi. A mihi is an introduction of yourself and some facts that people may not know about you. Leatham did a PowerPoint mihi telling the reader’s what country he is from, and also his favorite sport, and even his family. What I like about the power point was that he included the words in English and in his native language. I left my comment below:


My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend the University of South Alabama. I was brought to your blog for my class, EDM 510. I enjoyed your Mihi. Your pictures and your descriptions are great. I think your teachers, Miss Walters and Mrs. Barks, should be proud as to how you introduced yourself.

Comment #2

The second blog I read was from a student named Chyrus. Chyrus was blogging about his day during pool lessons. He went on to say how hard the lessons were but in the end he enjoyed himself. My comment for Chyrus is below:

Hello Chyrus,

My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend the University of South Alabama and I am taking EDM 510. I enjoyed reading your blog post. I believe the underlying message to this blog post is that hard work really does pay off. I believe with hard work you can achieve anything. Great job on the blog post Chyrus, I hope I can read more from you in the future.

Comment #3

The last blog post I read came from a student named Gwynn. Gwynn blog about her day during swimming lessons as well. She went on to say how afraid she was of jumping into the cold water. She was worried that she was going to freeze to death. However, at the end of the day, she jumped in and had fun and never realized that the water was cold.

Hello Gwynn,

My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend the University of South Alabama and am taking EDM 510. I agree that pool water is very cold when you first jump in, however, once you start to have fun you will forget that the water was freezing cold. Great job on your blog post I hope to read more of your blog post in the near future.

Comment #4

The blog post I read this week was from a student named Memory. Memory did a narrated video on the stages of the butterfly. I really the enjoyed the video because she drew every stage of the butterfly and included movements. I really enjoyed watching her video. Here is the comment I left on Memory’s blog.


Hello Memory, my name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend the University of South Alabama and I am taking EDM 510. Your video of the stages of the butterfly was great. I loved how you drew out each stage and narrated the entire process. Memory, you did a great job on your video and keep up the good work.

Comment #5

The next blog post I read came from a student named Benjamin. Benjamin made a video about his Beautiful Day. I applauded Benjamin for doing that video because I knew he was nervous about being on camera. He went on to talk about how he spent time with his cousin and how they ate in the park together. Here is my comment I left for Benjamin. Hey Benjamin, my name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend school at the University of South Alabama. I attend school in the United States of America. I enjoyed watching your video on your beautiful sunny day. I know it took a lot of courage to record your blog post. Always remember it takes real courage to face your fears. Great job Benjamin keep up the good work.

Comment #6

The last blog post I read was from a student named Martin. Martin did a drawing and video about the stages of the butterfly. Martin, created a great illustration the stages of the butterfly. Here is the comment I left for Martin:


Hello Martin, my name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend the University of South Alabama. Great work on the butterfly presentation. Your drawing was great and your narration explained your drawings in great details. Great job and keep up the good work.

What I Learned From These Videos

The assignment this week was to watch various videos on different styles of learning. When I watched these videos the one thing I took away was that critical thinking questions are important in today’s classrooms. I also learned that teachers are going away from the traditional learning method. Since watching these videos I learned and gained information that I will use in my classrooms.

The first video I was required to watch was Mr. Brian Crosby. Mr. Crosby’s Project Based Learning was very inspiring. He grasped the student’s attention to learn without them realizing they are learning. One of my favorite projects he did with his fourth grade class was the “high hopes” attached to the hot air balloon along with the camera. Mr. Crosby has taught me that there are countless ideas that students can do with technology in the classroom. He took away testing and asked open ended questions in order see how students understood the subject. He showed me how technology allowed students to connect with other students and people around the world. As a result, the students were able to improve their communication skills. Mr. Crosby was also able to sharpen student’s critical thinking skills. I noticed with Mr. Crosby that he cared about all of his students and showed passion toward the subject. I learned from Mr. Crosby showed me that the future classroom is really centered on technology and how students are benefiting around project based learning.

Mr. Anderson

The next person I was assigned to was Paul Andersen. Mr. Andersen conducted another type of teaching method called Blended Learning Cycle. Mr. Anderson blended learning cycle consists of five steps: Question, Investigation, Video, Elaboration, Review. I like this method of teaching. It helps incorporate independent learning along with project based learning. The one thing I like about this learning style was that he does not allow his students to proceed on to the quiz until they understand the review. The summary quiz, in my opinion, is a great idea. It allows the teacher to see the students’ progress. Overall, the blended learning cycle allows the teacher to be more hands on with the students but also allows the students to use critical thinking and working independently.

The third person I watched was Sam Pane. Mr. Pane allowed his students to create a comic book hero. This was very exciting to see students use technology in the classroom. The assignment allowed students to use dialogues and use their creative imaginations to come up with a story about internet safety. Overall, the students used technology to help meet the objectives of the English class and also made students understand the use of internet safety. What I learned from Mr. Pane was that he asked open ended questions to his students. The open ended questions and the group discussions allowed students to get their creative minds thinking. Mr. Pane showed me various ways that you can ask open ended questions and allow group discussions with students. He also allowed students to peer review other students work. His showed me another example as to how to incorporate project based learning.

The fourth video I watched was Mark Church. Mr. Church did his video on Making Thinking Visible. He allowed his students to work in small groups and challenged them with an open ended question. He showed how working in groups and allowing students to use their critical thinking skills are successful. Mr. Church showed his students a video and then applied critical thinking skills toward the video. This video showed me that open ended questions are an important concept in any lesson.

Mr. Shareski

The fifth video I watched was Dean Shareski from Canada. This video showed me a different prospective in project based learning. Project Based Learning helps incorporate real world based situations in the classroom. This class in Canada incorporated three teachers in one classroom. They showed how you can blend History, English and technology into one semester long class. This classroom blending is a great idea. It shows students that you can place real world situations into classroom subjects. I would like to see classrooms in the United States try this idea.

Students learning

The last video I watch was on Roosevelt Elementary’s PBL Program. This elementary school showed how students benefited from PBL. The great thing about PBL is that students can use critical thinking skills apply them to real world situations. PBL allowed the students to get excited about school. In my opinion, starting in elementary school with PBL is a great idea. Allowing students receive it during the beginning stages of school they will benefit them overall as students.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What I Learned from Mr. Capps

Mr. Capps and Dr. Strange talking via web camera.

When I was first introduced to Mr. Capps I was really impressed with what he has done with Project Based Learning. Recently, he spoke with Dr. Strange and answered questions dealing with PBL. Overall, I have learned a lot of things listening to Mr. Capps. When it comes to incorporating PBL it really is a process. I realized in order for Mobile County School Systems to move forward, like Baldwin County, there first need to be volunteers. I believe that as teachers must act as a team in order to accomplish this goal. We must realize that at the end of the day, PBL is benefiting the students. It is our responsibility to give our students the tools in order to become successful citizens.

I also learned from Mr. Capps that PBL should not only incorporate the child but also the parents. I believe the parents should play a big part in their child/children learning experience. As a future teacher I want to incorporate PBL in my classroom. I would also allow other teachers to shadow my classroom and become inspired by ideas. It only takes just a few teachers to make a change occur. I will also use various ways to contact parents to tell them about the various things that the students are doing with PBL. Like Mr. Capps I would like to hold meetings during various times of the school year about the new things I learned about PBL. I am aware that every parent is different however, every parent wants their child to become successful.

Overall, I know that I will not become perfect with PBL right away. Like Mr. Capps mentioned, it takes some time to get adjusted both for a teacher and students. There are various ways to do PBL and as a teacher I will introduce these techniques to my students. In the end I know that students will learn how to solve world issues and learn how to work with various. My goal as a teacher is for my students to learn without realizing they are learning. We, as teachers should want our students to love coming to school. Mr. Capps has taught me that we should never be hesitant about trying new teaching methods. Technology is the key to unlocking the doors of education.

Friday, April 11, 2014

C4T I Chose

Comment # 1

The permanent teacher that I chose is Frank Noschese. Frank discussed in this post how to convince traditional teachers to stray away from the traditional types of questions and ask more conceptual diagnostic test questions. The summary of this blog is to make sure that as teachers need to make sure that students understand the concepts.


As a future teacher I will not entirely stray away from traditional teaching but I will make it as fun and interesting as possible.
Comment #2

The next blog post Frank posted was choosing whether or not to do group projects or individual projects. He went on and gave the pros and cons of working in groups. Some of the pros would be that students could work together and share ideas. Some of the cons is that some students would not do as equal amount of work. He came to a conclusion that his students compare their own data sets. Each student in the group will do their own project and compare data toward the end of the experiment.


It is always great to know that other teachers struggle with this situation as well. I honestly prefer for the students to work alone on projects. I say that because you how a student puts effort into a project on their own that is how they will do in a group project. I want to make sure that every student puts in effort into their project and not rely on their partner to do the work. If I chose to do a group activity I will always do a student evaluation to every member in the group to get their personal opinion.
Comment #3

Frank Noschese gave a TED talk about how students should do science instead of learning science. He went on and discussed his teaching method of molding instruction in science. He allow students to perform the labs first and allow them to go about the scientific process to understand the physics concept.


This was a really great TED talk. I love the idea of students doing actually science over the standard forms of teaching. I agree that if students actually perform the art of science then they will understand and love science more.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

C4T Semester Long

Comment # 1

My permanent teacher for the semester is Steve Anderson. Steve’s blog is entitled Blogging About the Web 2.0 Connected Classroom. I most recently commented on an old blog post about how to build a brand. He went on and listed that some things that a person can do to build a brand: Crate a Landing Page, Create a blog and Create a Social Media Profile. Blow is my comment I left for Steve.

Hello Steve,

I am so glad that you decided to write about how you manage to create a brand. So many teachers, I believe should do the same. It is nice to online and find a teacher that can give you helpful information. As teachers we should become a support system for each other. Not only should be a support system for each other but for our students as well. I would like to create a brand for myself in which it could be beneficial to teachers and students. For students I will place my power points as well as what is due for homework on the web site. As for teacher, I will form a private chat group and also a blog on my life as a science teacher. I hope my blog will be successful as yours one day.

Comment #2

Steve recently started blogging about things that were on his mind. He was inspired to start this type of series by one of his close friends who is a high school principal. Steve goes on to talk about twitter and even Jeff Gordon. Below is my comment I left for Steve.

Good Afternoon Steve,

To be totally honest Twitter is not for everyone. I am the type of person I not big into twitter but I try to because of my Educational Media Class. Social Media is one of those things in which it can become an addiction or you can make yourself develop a healthy liking for social media. I believe the 3D printer is going to become very successful within the classroom. Being a Biology teacher, I can use a 3D printer to help my students better understand the Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cell. Also, they can use it for lab reports. Overall, when I am able to get the funding I will surely invest in a 3D printer.

Comment #3

Steve Anderson blog about his time at ASCD conference. While he was at the conference he walked away with many great ideas. However, he enjoyed the more hands on lectures vs. the traditional lecture style that most conferences revolve around. Steve went on to say how conferences need more hands on projects just like with students. Here is my comment on Steve's blog dealing with ASCD 2014.

Hello Steve,

I recently went to the NSTA conference in Charlotte, NC. The conferences were set up traditional lecture style. However, some of the lectures were fun and exciting. When I attend conferences I would want to see more of an open creative environment for every lecture I attend. The point of conferences is to walk away with fresh and creative ideas for your classroom. In my opinion, it is difficult for me to feel creative when they present it in a lecture type of environment.

Comment #4

Steve most recent blog post was he blogging about what was on his mind for the week. One thing that stood out to me on this blog post was how he said that blogging on the internet has become popular over going to a publishing companies. He also announced that the Edcamp USDOE has partnered with the Department of Education. Below is the comment that I left for Steve and his blog.

Hey Steve,

There are plenty of things that have me thinking this week. Your blog post this week was great and informative, as always. I agree with you that the internet has really become a more powerful tool to use instead of finding a publishing company. The evolution of blogging just proves that people really have a lot on their minds and there are people who agree with everything they say. Also, the Edcamp USDOE sounds like a great workshop to attend. I believe the more workshops that just pays attention to teaching, will help us become better teachers.

C4T Rotating

teacher holding a laptop that is open

Comment #1

John Spencer is the writer of the blog entitled Edrethink. In my opinion John gives a very informative blog post that I think that all teachers and future teachers should read. His blog post that I read was dealing with immigration and the effects that it has to do with students and living the “American Dream”. Below is the comment that I gave under John’s blog post entitled This Is What Happens When We Stay Quiet.

I believe that the American dream should not have an asterisk beside its name. Once that child has crossed that American border I believe they should be entitled to go to school like every child. As a future teacher, it really is not my business to care if that child is here illegally or not but to ensure that they receive a fair education. I believe the government should make special consideration that if a child grows up here in the United States and their parents are illegal they should have the right to go to college. If we are the country of the free and our country is built on immigrants then why not give those students a chance to go to college and earn their citizenship as true Americans.

Comment #2

Jenny She is a teacher in New Zealand who post blogs of herself but also her students interact with their very own blogs. Mrs. She blog post that I recently read about how her students interact with technology. She went on to say that her students went on and tried other things with the technological devices. Jenny was also amazed at how the students watched her without her realizing. This just proves that a teachers influence is very big in a child’s life. Below is the blog post comment I left.

Hello Mrs. She,

My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I am currently a student at the University of South Alabama taking EDM 510. It is amazing how big of an impact teachers influence students. They watch everything we do even when we are not looking. I agree with you when it comes to positive comments on blog post. Positive blog post help influence and motivate the blogger. I love that you are excited about what your students are creating with the technology you are teaching them how to use. I believe as teachers we should be excited about everything that our students create with technology. Becoming excited about what our students create will inspire them to create even bigger and better things.

Comment #3

Dorothy Burt is the creator of the Manaiakalani Film Festival in New Zealand. This film festival displays students who have been working on various films across the Manaiakalani school district. She went on to say how the film festival has grown over the years. She also went on to say how the film festival will display various student movies in two theaters. Below is my comment that I left on Mrs. Burt blog post.

Hello Mrs. Burt,

My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I am a student in EDM 510 from the University of South Alabama. Congratulations on your film festival for being a successful another year. I enjoy the idea of seeing young people becoming creative with technology. It is also wonderful to view the world through the eyes of a child. I also enjoyed how you had a talent portion that afternoon to show other students various talents. I would like to see youth’s film festivals started here in the United States. I believe that it would bring the communities together along with supporting our youth. I hope you have another successful film festival this year. Hopefully, you could share some of the student’s videos with our Professor Dr. Strange and he can give us a link.

Comment #4

Scott McLeod, is the creator of the blog dangerously! Irrelevant. Scott’s blog post are very intriguing and dig deep inside the preparation of teaching. In his most recent blog post, Scott listed various things that he knew that newly graduated Education majors posed the tools to start teaching. Those tools they posed were: Project- and inquiry-based learning, Authentic, real-world work, Standards-based grading and competency-based education, 1:1 computing, Digital, online, and open access, online communities of interest, and Adaptive learning systems. He is my comment that I posted on his blog.

Hello Scott McLeod,

I believe that in our utopias every teacher is perfect and they try to work on all those building blocks for students. However, we all know that is not true. I believe every teacher lacks in some aspects in preparing their students for what it is really like in a class room. As a future teacher, the classes that I take, in my opinion, are based on a fantasy. I think that teacher preparation programs should teach future teachers how to teach a classroom full of repeaters that are in middle or high school. Also they should teach future teachers how to improvise your lesson plan if something goes wrong. I think that preparation should be more realistic and not based on an imaginary class room.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

3 Technology Tools That I Will Use in my Classroom

Stoodle is a website that benefit students, teachers and tutors. Stoodle is an interactive student network that was created in 2011 by a student named Arjun Mehta. Mehta’s sole purpose was to bridge online learning experience with students. Stoodle is a website that allows teachers and students to have class outside the classroom. Teachers can have online office hours where students and parents can ask questions. Students can form study groups online and review for test. Students can also place questions on the white board and teachers can answer them in real time. I will surly use this website when I start teaching. I will have online office hours and I will also post study guides and online review sessions on Stoodle. I will also create an open chat group for the parents so that they can ask me questions during my office hours.

Sweet Search is a great search tool engine for students. It is great search engine that is useful for all grade levels. The great thing about this search engine is that it has been evaluated by a research department in order to help number down the lengthy searches. I will allow students to use this search engine when doing Project Based Learning activities.

Quiz Revolution is a great tool to use for teachers. Not only is it free to sign up for, Quiz Revolution allows teachers to create quizzes without any stress. Once you have created questions you can easily copy and paste them into your blog or your personal page that you created on the website. The great thing about this site you can use videos, pictures, and text all into your quizzes. Teachers can control the time when to start and stop the quizzes. The quizzes can be anything from multiple choice to fill-in- the blank. If you have a hard time coming up with questions for a quiz, Quiz Revolution already have prepared quizzes for teachers to use. Teachers can also review the stats and overall review results of the quiz. As a teacher I will use this online quiz site for my classes. I will use online quizzes as well as class quizzes in order to reassure my students of the content that was covered for that lesson.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Alex: Alabama Learning Exchange

Alex is a great website to use for teachers or, in my opinion, potential teachers who need ideas for PBL or knowing the objectives for the state of Alabama. While you are exploring the Alex website you can also create a personal workspace. In the personal workspace you can bookmark,create a podcast and create a teacher web page.You can use this personal workspace throughout your teaching career. Not only does Alex contain a personal workpage but it also has many other useful features.

Course of Study

Technology Education 6-8

Objective 1

Objective 2

Lesson Plans

The Balloon Inflator

Flower Anatomy

Personal Workspace

T'Keyan's Personal Workspace

C4K Comments

Student trying to learn but is frusterated

C4K 3.23.2014

This week my C4K’s dealt with the students and their field trip experience to the Butterfly Creek and also the students voice thread of what is their favorite fairy tales. Overall, the students on the field trip looked as if they had fun and discovered things about butterflies that they did not know. Also, with the fairy tales the students did a great job on their presentations. Here are my comments I left below.

Butterfly Creek

Good day everyone! My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend the University of South Alabama located in Mobile, Alabama in the United States of America. I watched your video on your field trip to the Butterfly Creek and it looks like you guys had plenty of fun. I took a trip once to a Butterfly Garden that was located in New Orleans, Louisiana. It was fun and full of adventure. What were your favorite butterflies? Were you afraid to touch any of the butterflies?

Fairy Tale

Good day everyone! My name is T'Keyan Peoples and I am from the University of South Alabama. Great job on your voice thread about your fairy tales. My favorite fairy tale would have to be Snow White. I enjoy reading Snow White because it is full of action and comedy. The student I had this week name was Faauiga. Faaugia talked about how she enjoyed her weekend and how she had a great time at her cousin’s birthday party. She also went on to say that her favorite part was when they sang “Happy Birthday” and cut the cake. Below was the comment I left on her blog post.

Ambury Farm

Hey Faauiga,

My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I am a student the University of South Alabama and I am taking a class called EDM 510. I am glad to hear that you enjoyed your weekend and your cousin’s birthday party. Birthday parties are always enjoyable. I agree the favorite part of the party is the cutting of the cake because you get to sing “Happy Birthday” and you can get the biggest piece of cake without having to eat your vegetables first.


This week, my C4K blog I read was from a young girl name Liku. Liku on her blog post decided to write a mysteries short story. He is my response to her short story.

Hello Liku,

My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I am a college student at University of South Alabama. I enjoyed reading your blog post. I enjoyed the short story you created, it was very mysterious. Good job Liku! I cannot wait to read more of your blog post.

C4K blog that I read was James. James wrote his blog post on his community united together, along with his school and had a movie night. He went on to say that the movie they showed was Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2. He is my comment I left for James.

Hello James,

My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend the University of South Alabama. I enjoyed reading your blog post. I, like you, love having movie nights. One of my favorite movies to watch is Despicable Me 2. Reading how your community’s movie nights brings everyone together is very inspiring. It just shows how a school not only changes student’s lives but also a community.


This week I read a student name Uili’s blog post. Uili decided to write his blog post on the sport Rugby. He went on explaining the rules and the various positions of Rugby. Here is my comment that I left for Uili.

Hey Uili,

My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I am from EDM 510 class from the University of South Alabama. Great job on you blog post. I enjoyed reading about the sport Rugby and the rules of the game. In the United States, Rugby has become a major sport to play, especially on college campuses. Even the college that I attend, has a male and female rugby team that plays various schools from around the region. It is great to see a sport that is loved and enjoyed by everyone. Louis was the next C4K student who blog I read. His blog post was on what he thought was good characteristics of a great friend. He listed many important qualities. However, the most important thing he listed was trust. Below is the comment I left for Louis.

Hello Louis,

My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I am in EDM 510 class at the University of South Alabama. You have listed great characteristics to what it means to be a good friend. I agree that trust is the main ingredient into having a great friendship. Realize that in friendships you will have ups and downs however, what really matters is the love, respect and trust that made your friendship last.

The last C4K that I commented on was Katareina. Katareina wrote about the grueling two days when her class left for camp. Overall, she did not have fun but she still found fun things to do in her situation. Below is my comments that I left for Katareina.

Hello Katareina, My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I am taking EDM 510 at the University of South Alabama. I am so sorry that you had a boring time while everyone was at camp. Sometimes you have to see the good inside the bad. This was a great blog post to read. I hope you get to make it to camp the next time, Katareina.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

iTunes U PowerPoint

This week for my assignment I decided to create a google PowerPoint presentation about iTunes U. My goal for this presentation was to inform teachers about this incredible extension of iTunes. Hopefully, teachers in both Elementary and Secondary education will want to use iTunes U.