Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Final C4K

New Zealand Children playing

Comment #1

The final C4Ks covered various topics. The first blog I read was from a student named Leatham. Leatham created a Mihi. A mihi is an introduction of yourself and some facts that people may not know about you. Leatham did a PowerPoint mihi telling the reader’s what country he is from, and also his favorite sport, and even his family. What I like about the power point was that he included the words in English and in his native language. I left my comment below:


My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend the University of South Alabama. I was brought to your blog for my class, EDM 510. I enjoyed your Mihi. Your pictures and your descriptions are great. I think your teachers, Miss Walters and Mrs. Barks, should be proud as to how you introduced yourself.

Comment #2

The second blog I read was from a student named Chyrus. Chyrus was blogging about his day during pool lessons. He went on to say how hard the lessons were but in the end he enjoyed himself. My comment for Chyrus is below:

Hello Chyrus,

My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend the University of South Alabama and I am taking EDM 510. I enjoyed reading your blog post. I believe the underlying message to this blog post is that hard work really does pay off. I believe with hard work you can achieve anything. Great job on the blog post Chyrus, I hope I can read more from you in the future.

Comment #3

The last blog post I read came from a student named Gwynn. Gwynn blog about her day during swimming lessons as well. She went on to say how afraid she was of jumping into the cold water. She was worried that she was going to freeze to death. However, at the end of the day, she jumped in and had fun and never realized that the water was cold.

Hello Gwynn,

My name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend the University of South Alabama and am taking EDM 510. I agree that pool water is very cold when you first jump in, however, once you start to have fun you will forget that the water was freezing cold. Great job on your blog post I hope to read more of your blog post in the near future.

Comment #4

The blog post I read this week was from a student named Memory. Memory did a narrated video on the stages of the butterfly. I really the enjoyed the video because she drew every stage of the butterfly and included movements. I really enjoyed watching her video. Here is the comment I left on Memory’s blog.


Hello Memory, my name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend the University of South Alabama and I am taking EDM 510. Your video of the stages of the butterfly was great. I loved how you drew out each stage and narrated the entire process. Memory, you did a great job on your video and keep up the good work.

Comment #5

The next blog post I read came from a student named Benjamin. Benjamin made a video about his Beautiful Day. I applauded Benjamin for doing that video because I knew he was nervous about being on camera. He went on to talk about how he spent time with his cousin and how they ate in the park together. Here is my comment I left for Benjamin. Hey Benjamin, my name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend school at the University of South Alabama. I attend school in the United States of America. I enjoyed watching your video on your beautiful sunny day. I know it took a lot of courage to record your blog post. Always remember it takes real courage to face your fears. Great job Benjamin keep up the good work.

Comment #6

The last blog post I read was from a student named Martin. Martin did a drawing and video about the stages of the butterfly. Martin, created a great illustration the stages of the butterfly. Here is the comment I left for Martin:


Hello Martin, my name is T’Keyan Peoples and I attend the University of South Alabama. Great work on the butterfly presentation. Your drawing was great and your narration explained your drawings in great details. Great job and keep up the good work.

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